Descargar Textbook of Pediatric Osteopathy, 1e de Eva Rhea Moeckel DO MRO MSCC,Noori Mitha DO MRO Ebooks, PDF, ePub
Descargar Textbook of Pediatric Osteopathy, 1e de Eva Rhea Moeckel DO MRO MSCC,Noori Mitha DO MRO PDF ePub
Reseña del editor It is a special challenge to treat children with osteopathy. You can find everything you need to know about it in this detailed and practice oriented manual. Written by an experienced, international team of authors, it covers the whole spectrum of paediatric osteopathy- from new born to teenager. Part 1- Treatment of the mother before and after birth- Information about potentially formative pre- and perinatal experiences of the child- Osteopathic fundamentals of a gentle and respectful treatment of all body systems- with emphasis on the treatment principles of Dr. Sutherland. All techniques are clarified by photos- Osteopathic case history taking, examination procedures, differential diagnosis- Nutritional advice- Information and considerations on managing a paediatric osteopathic practicePart 2- Osteopathic and allopathic pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment approaches of the most common childhood pathologies- Consideration of logopedics, orthodontics and vaccination in separate chapters BiografÃa del autor E. Möckel studied at the European School of Osteopathy, GB, graduating 1991. She taught pediatric Osteopathy two years at the College Sutherland, Hamburg and ten years at the Schule für Klassische Osteopathische Medizin in Hamburg and Ulm. She is one of the founders of the Osteopathische Kindersprechstunde e.V. in Hamburg. She is also a member of the faculty of the Sutherland Cranial College and teaches in Germany and England. E. Möckel has translated Dr. Sutherland´s Books „Teachings in the Science of Osteopathy“ and „Contributions of Thought“ into German.Noori Mitha is Heilpraktikerin (limited medical licence in Germany) and osteopath. She graduated from the Schule der Klassischen Osteopathischen Medizin (SKOM) in 1996 in Hamburg. She aquired her diploma of osteopathy in 2002. She began teaching for the SKOM in 1996. Since 1999 she has been teaching postgraduate osteopathic paediatrics with Eva Möckel. She is a member of the faculty of the Sutherland Cranial College and teaches in this field regularly. She is one of the founders of the Osteopathische Kindersprechstunde e.V. in Hamburg. N. Mitha is an author of the Leitfaden Osteopathie (2002) and worked on the translation of Dr. Sutherlands texts into German (Sutherland Kompendium 2004).
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Textbook of pediatric osteopathy 9780443068645 textbook of pediatric osteopathy 1st edition authors eva rhea moeckel amp noori mitha date of publication 032008 it is a special challenge to treat children with osteopathy you can find everything you need to know about it in this detailed and practice oriented manual
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