[Download] Diagnóstico Médico por el Pulso(R) (MPD(R)): Fundamentos de la Medicina China de Robert Doane,Stephanie Parcus,Marcus Gadau Ebooks, PDF, ePub
Descargar Gratis Diagnóstico Médico por el Pulso(R) (MPD(R)): Fundamentos de la Medicina China de Robert Doane,Stephanie Parcus,Marcus Gadau PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis, Descarga gratuita Diagnóstico Médico por el Pulso(R) (MPD(R)): Fundamentos de la Medicina China descarga de libros
Críticas MPD has revolutionized my practice. An essential book for anyone wanting to master pulse diagnosis! This systematic approach is clear and easy to follow. MPD has revolutionized my practice. 100% more practical and applicable to real-world Clinical practice than what was taught in school. I especially like this as a Clinic handbook reference guide with percentages of treatment principles for each aberrant pulse. Shows details on pulse positions so as not to get confused.Although this is not a book with herbal recommendations, Bob is extremely generous with herbal details and suggestions on Doane.us and the DNA/MPD Facebook page. After you get this book, practice it and get hands-on training for confirmation! A true revolution for our medicine.' John FWritten by practitioners for practitioners. Love it.'This is a good quality paperback book with great legibility. The graphics are great and all are supported by the text. You don't have to flip through pages to find which graphic is being referred to! It's obvious a lot of thought went into the end users experience. It is intelligently written & practically applicable. I use this method on a daily basis in my practice. It is the first time I feel I have gotten a good understanding of pulse diagnosis that makes sense in both TCM & Western Medicine.' Sinead DeeWatching and Learning is Believing'Watching Bob's team perform so much and being so accurate is enough to make anyone a believer. Through years of learning from many different sources, bob has perfected his DNA method to be one of the best. Bob teaches his method all over the world and domestically to many students eager to learn. The accuracy I have seen over the years is amazing not only to me but to all who witness it. Then being able to diagnose a treatment program that produces the best results. Thank you, Bob, for all you have done and continue to do for the industry.' Tom Taylor, Professional Marketing Learn pulse diagnosis on another level, highly recommend'Clear and concise, yet thorough. A great reference for learning an effective pulse diagnosis system delivered in a digestible format! Highly recommended.' AnonymousA MUST for the clinician!'Finally a concise manual on how to effectively take the pulse. These are the most crucial skills of any acupuncturist and this manual makes it easy to study, practice and utilize the Chinese medical pulse system in your clinic. Can't wait for a follow-up edition that includes herbs to treat these pulse presentations!'Brilliant Book for Beginners in pulse diagnosis'This book is one of the best I have read for beginners in the art of pulse diagnosis. Having said that there is lots of new information as well for those who are experienced. There are many good features to this book but one that I liked was the treatment strategy for pathological pulses. Rather than detailing which Herb or acupoint or combinations to use this strategy talked in general principles or strategies. For example, if the pulse reveals a Blood Stasis with Qi and Blood Deficiency then the treatment strategy is to invigorate blood 70-80% plus tonify and nourish blood -20-30 %. This gives the reader or practitioner a lot of options to employ whether acupuncture/ herbs/ nutrition etc. Such information can be applied using other therapies including Western Herbal Medicine/Naturopathy. In fact, although this book is primarily aimed for the Chinese Medicine market it could easily be used by other practitioners such as Medical Doctors, physiotherapists, etc. Once the guiding principles are arrived at then there are endless treatment possibilities. In summary, a must-read for all Therapists!!' Peter Farnsworth MPD Reseña del editor Hay un monto?n de informacio?n disponible sobre el diagno?stico por el pulso con muchos matices y variaciones. ¡Sin embargo, NINGUNO de ellos son tan claros, concisos y cli?nicamente relevantes como este corpus de trabajo! ¡Este libro es un CO?MO instructivo y una absoluta OBLIGACIO?N en todas las consultas y escuelas! ¡¡¡Este libro asienta la etapa para una longevidad continua de la medicina china para las siguientes generaciones de terapeutas!
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